Congratulations, you have come to the end of your WebQuest! But there is just one more thing you need to do. I would like for you to go home tonight and share what you have learned from this assignment with someone. It can be a friend, a neighbor, or someone you live with. Discuss with this person, the beginning, peak, and ending of a flowers life cycle and how similar that is to humans. Now that you have a different perspective on flowers and how they can change a person’s perception or outlook on life, explain to your listener the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While speaking with this person, ask them to make a deal with you. Both of you will have to come up with three things that you will do to create a better, healthier lifestyle for yourselves. Keep in mind that health includes the body & the mind. Both external and internal goals can be made. Keep in mind the people in your life and how they look forward to your growth. After you are done, I would like for you to write out a contract of the steps or goals both people will take to lead healthier lives. Be prepared to present your contract during our next weekly discussion.
If at anytime during your WebQuest you are unsure of something or need clarity on something, feel free to e-mail me your concerns. All questions will be answered and e-mailed to everyone for clarity. There is a link to contact me on the hompage.
I wish you the best of luck on your WebQuest. Hopefully, you enjoyed this activity. Before handing in your assignment please refer back to the rubric and check your work against the grading scale to ensure receipt of best possible grade. Also, check for spelling, grammar, and clarity of information being presented.